Another great cycling tour.

Ballsy Mike would have hated this one too.

Henry Dunlop
5 min readDec 29, 2022


Photo by author

Boquete Panama, December 2022. Not so far into the distant memories, only a day or 2 ago. But in my current semi-retirement/sabbatical/extended vacation or whatever I decide my life currently is, time is not marked with clocking in and out of a day job. The climate resembles an eternal spring, daylight hours at summer and winter solstice’s are nearly identical and I cannot be sure if what I did in recent memory was yesterday, the day prior, or even the day prior to that. It is a good problem to have I think, but to keep sanity I will have to figure out a way to mark time and avoid ‘running out the clock’ so to speak.

Wanting a familiar means to tour this mountain town I rented a bicycle from a local shop. Hindsight has shown that an E-bike rental for a little more would have been a wiser choice. My rental bike was inadequate for the task and in stark contrast to my old Norco at home that I have modified to suit my comfort and riding needs. Inadequate is probably a little generous a description and I came to regret not giving this bike a better (or basic) inspection.

Cycling is a very productive recreational pursuit for me. Fitness benefits aside a good bike ride seems to reset my mood and improve my focus when I am…



Henry Dunlop

Not old, not young. Writing is both therapeutic and entertainment for me. Words at: The Memoirist, The Good Men Project, Illumination & BBB (IYKYK).